Today I did a 40 minute cardio session using Cardio Coach, Volume I and I found that the time flew by so quickly. This volume had me do 6 intervals with a 20 second full tilt interval followed by a 40 second level 3 interval. I was hitting 75% max heart rate on the level 3 interval and 85% on the level 4 (full tilt) interval. Sean (the cardio coach himself) really pushes you to complete that set of intervals. The next challenge is 4 one minute intervals at level 4. The final challenge is 3 straight minutes at level 4. It was a great workout.
The rest of the day was pretty intense. I had a meeting in which we were discussing a policy decision. I completely disagreed with how it was going. Several members in the meeting kept asking me “So, do you feel better about that?” to which I would say “Nope” and it seemed to frustrate them. However, I don't feel they thought out their decision. They assumed an awful lot and didn't operate on facts. I kept thinking about how that relates to my own way of handling my fat loss issue. I track everything carefully and make decisions based on what I see. I am analytical by nature. It has really helped me because it is the reason I got into the Metabolic Surge program in the first place. I saw that the nutritional plan would work for me. I've honestly found it to be quite simple to stick to and plan to stay with it.
If you are trying to lose the fat from your body, take the time to learn what makes it work for you. You have to learn what makes your body tick. When you've figured that out, half the battle is over.
Until tomorrow…