The key to being successful at anything is knowledge. People go to a financial consultant when they are in need of financial advice because the consultant has the knowledge they need to succeed. In much the same way, someone wanting to get into great shape would want to consult with a personal trainer for the same reason–knowledge. Today I am going to reveal several personal training tips that actually work. Follow them and you will see results.
It Is All About the Squeeze
When you work a muscle group you need to be able to feel it working. As you move the weight you must squeeze the muscle involved. Move the weight slowly and squeeze the muscle tightly. By feeling the muscles working you can be assured you are working the correct muscles and getting maximum results.
Slow Down And Get Control
I see people doing bicep curls and they raise the weight and then drop it. Never drop the weight. Slow down and get control over the descent of the weight. In this way you will work the exercise in both directions–positive and negative. This is important for getting maximum results. Never just let the weight drop.
Plan Ahead of Time
Too many people walk into the gym saying “I am training my chest today” but they have no plan of attack. Always play your training ahead of time. All personal trainers know that having a good program in place is important to achieving the client's goals. You might need to be flexible with the exercises due to a long wait for something, but your plan will enable you to just switch exercises rather than come up with an entirely new plan.
Vary the Intensity
Intensity is one of the variables you work with when training. Use it to your advantage as it can be manipulated in a variety of manners. Sometimes you can change the rest interval to increase intensity while other times you can use heavier weights to increase the intensity. Just do it. Use this variable to your advantage. As an assistance to anyone reading, I have gathered up some of the better articles I have written on the topic of intensity. They are listed below.
How to Use Intensity in Weight Training
How to Manipulate Rest Periods for Intensity
Take advice from a personal trainer and use the knowledge they have gained from working with many different people. You will not be sorry that you did so.