The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #110
![]() Day 707
This past week I tried something different. As I am always looking for new ways to up the positive pressure, I put out a message to my list of Facebook friends asking that they hold me accountable for achieving my latest goal that expires today. I got some interesting responses to my message and overall, the response was positive. My thought is that I can do this on my own, without anyone holding me accountable. I have it in me to be disciplined enough to reach my goals. However, by adding the public component to this particular goal I have got to make it or I will face public humiliation. Nobody relishes the idea of being publically humiliated. Thus, the pressure has been ratcheted up a notch. If nothing else, people know about my goal and will also know if I don’t achieve it. That pushes me to get busy in the gym and lose the fat that is on my frame. I have fast become a huge fan of social media. I blog about using social media with fitness every Saturday. I am constantly trying to find new ways to use social media in my fitness program. I figured that just asking people to hold me accountable was a good idea. Here is what I posted.
One person felt that there was no need for accountability like this, stating that his motto matches that of Nike—“Just do it!” My response to that I know I can do this without the accountability portion, but adding that level of pressure practically assures that I will hit my goal. My main question: If people don’t know about your goal, what stops you from constantly changing it? So, please help with my viral accountability campaign. If we are not friends on Facebook, please request me at If you do not follow me on Twitter, please do so at Please continue to read this blog (and comment). Please also visit for a weekly update of my training. Get your friends to do the same thing. Together we can achieve great things! |
![]() ![]() Today was a 1.11 mile run for cardio. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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Get the Cure for Fitness Information Overload Now!
Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
Water: Essential for many of reasons
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #109
![]() Day 706 My son, Matty, is 14 years old and the typical stubborn teenager. My wife and I have been on his case for a couple of months to drink more water. Matty typically drinks the minimum amount of water he can get away with. We have tried, without success, to get him to understand that he needs to increase his water intake. We think that an incident last month may have finally taught him a lesson. As mentioned in a previous post, we spent the day at Warped Tour about a month ago, an outdoor concert that lasts all day long. Matty came with us and was having a great time getting inside the crowds. At the same time, the heat was very strong. Matty had water like the rest of us and even drank all of his initial bottle. However, unlike the rest of us, Matty did not arrive at the concert well-hydrated. It wasn’t long before he started complaining of a headache and nausea. We had to take him to the first aid tent. At the first aid tent, the person in charge told him that he was likely dehydrated and proceeded to give him water. After drinking close to 60 ounces of water and starting to feel better, my wife and I spoke to him about the importance of drinking water. He apparently got it (for now) because the rest of our stay there he drank lots of water. Remember, water is essential for alot of reasons. Water is a large percentage of your body. Be sure to hydrate yourself all the time. I am currently making very small changes to my nutrition. I plan to do one little thing at a time. Currently I am focused on drinking a minimum of 1 gallon of water a day (not including the water I drink during my workouts). I have been doing this all week long and I have more energy than ever before. I guarantee that this is going to accelerate fat loss as well. Drinking alot of water is on every single list of important things to do to burn fat. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I haven’t been commenting on my workouts because work has been so busy that I have not had the time to put into doing this blog. I am officially self-employed after tomorrow and have scheduled time to update both of my blogs into my daily schedule starting today. This workout plan is working very well. Today I felt the confidence to up the weights high enough to hit the correct repetition ranges. Some big changes are that my squat is now as deep as I can possibly go. That’s why I backed off the weight just a little bit. My bench press is feeling extremely strong. My lat pull down is going up and my lats are growing (see today’s picture). Every one of my exercises is stronger than it was before. The training is dialed in and now I have to get the eating dialed (I am referring to my calories). |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
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Squats – Yes or No; Good or Bad?
The squat is often called the "king of exercises". This is because of the large group of muscles that must be activated in order to perform this movement. Most people assume that squats are just a leg exercise; but that is where they are wrong. The squat movement involves the activation of many muscles groups: the quadriceps muscles of the frontal leg, the hamstring group of the posterior leg, the gluteus muscles (maximus, medius & minimus), the whole abdominal musculature to stabilize the body, the lower and upper back also to stabilize and support. The shoulder girdle is also involved in positioning of the bar – this requires a certain amount of flexibility within the chest and shoulders.
As you can see there are many muscles called into action. The more muscle fibers recruited to perform the more calories you burn. That is why the squat is one of the best exercises you can perform both to enhance strength and increase lean muscle tissue. Squats is also one of those exercises with a multitude of variations. We can perform back squats (with bar on the back). We can perform front squats holding a bar in front across the shoulders.
We can also do dumbbell squats holding dumbbells at the sides, kettlebell squats holding kettlebells either at side or on shoulders. We can also perform suitcase squats, holding a dumbbell or kettlebell on one side only, requiring much more core stabilization to offset the weight on one side. There are also many variations of single leg squats. These are split squats, a movement similar to a lunge but stationary. We can also do Bulgarian squats which is similar to a split squat but with the rear leg up on a block, requiring much more stabilization and hip mobility. We can also do a single leg squat; the one true single leg exercise.
Squats are an extremely flexible exercise meaning that with all its variations there is rarely an individual that cannot perform a squat of some kind. Even with certain knee pathologies squats can be a safe exercise. After all, every time we sit down (whether on the couch, toilet or kitchen chair), we are performing a squat. The more we can perform this movement "correctly" in a controlled environment the stronger we will maintain our lower body and core muscles which will translate to better health and a body more able to cope with activities of life.
There are many myths surrounding squats and the safety of this exercise. Let us address a few:
#1. Squats are bad for the knees. When proper technique is learned, squats are not harmful for the knees. Strengthening the muscles and connective tissue surrounding the knee improves its stability.
#2. Squats are bad for the spine. When performed correctly the weight is borne directly over the spinal column. As with the knees, the supportive tissues around the spine are strengthened in response to the weight being lifted. Once again proper form is essential. And with all the variations listed above, back squats are not an essential lift.
#3. Squats are dangerous for the heart. Squats are not dangerous for healthy individuals with no history of hypertension or coronary disease. The heart is a muscle and will respond to the stress. If you are unaccustomed to exercise or have health concerns, you should have a physician's approval prior to embarking on any exercise program.
#4. Squats slow you down. Once again, a myth. Squats are a very explosive exercise and require power and strength. This will only benefit the individual by enhancing your own strength. #5. There are no sports or activities that require someone to move up and down with a weight on their shoulders, so why do squats? A good question, but think about our daily activities. Every time you get up and down off the couch, go to the bathroom, get up out of a chair you are doing a squat. Strengthening the muscles required to move us in our daily activities will only enhance every facet of our lives.
Squats, love em and hate em! Hard to do – yes. Require some sweat – you bet they do! Burn calories – one of the best. If you are ever stuck for a workout, the two best exercises you can do – squats and push ups.
Till next time,
Narina Prokosch
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Social Media: The New Fitness Buzz Word
Social Media is taking the internet by storm the past year. It has grown from something only the in crowd knew about to something your grandmother is talking about. It is no surprise that the fitness industry is embracing the social media storm and running with it.
It is now commonplace for fitness professionals to stay in contact via Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Many of them have embraced the simplicity of posting a video to discuss an important fitness topic. This is all wonderful for the people who need this information. It is so much easier to get real time feedback on fitness issues now.
I personally use video at my fitness accountability blog, and I find it to be very rewarding. It is a great way to connect with my readers and it gives them a glimpse into my personality.
I am also using social media as I move towards my first ever body building competition in August 2010. I am tweeting updates with the hashtag #bbmjm and posting blogs both here and at Through the use of social media, I have managed to create a network of accountability partners who are following my progress and encouraging me to achieve my goals. It is exciting and rewarding at the same time.
I believe that social media is the ultimate fitness tool. It puts you in touch with hundreds or even thousands of people all at one time. Your message gets distributed in a viral fashion. It is incredible.
When I think back to the early 1900’s and how slow information travelled and now, in 2009, how information is out there immediately, I have to smile. I knew that got raided by the FDA before it was announced on my local news station. I found out through social media. I personally tweeted the winner of Mr. Olympia 2009 the minute it was announced.
There are many people who feel that Twitter is dying, but I disagree. I like the idea of being able to give up to the minute input on a workout or other fitness related endeavor. In fact, this gives me a new idea. I might just update Twitter during my workouts. I can talk about how I am feeling mentally and physically. I can post what is going through my mind at that exact moment. If that works I might just add a Twitter update page on this site. It will be a place where you can go and read my entire Twitter stream all at once.
The ideas on how to use social media are countless. Take some time to think it through and leave me some comments on what you thought up.
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Thanks for your support!
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Old Faithfuls
There isn’t a day go by that there isn’t some new gadget or piece of fitness equipment being hustled on TV. Now, I don’t spend a lot of time watching the Shopping Channel, but everyone once in a while if channel surfing, I will come across something that I just have to stay and watch. It never ceases to amaze me what latest fitness gimmick is out there. There always seems to be the latest fad for losing weight, trimming the fat, shaping the body.
The question always comes up – well do they work? In a word with most of them – no! A lot of the latest gimmicks on TV have no basis in muscle physiology or function. They are all offering the same thing – a quick fix with no real effort. Unfortunately life just doesn’t happen that way. Staying fit and trim takes hard work and dedication.
With all these latest fads hitting the market, I thought it was time to talk about the old classics. The old faithful stand bys in every sound strength training program. It doesn’t matter what your fitness goals are, there are some constants that need to be there in order for any program to be successful. A couple are consistency and intensity. You need to be consistent in your workouts to notice any results or progress and you also need to be working out with the right intensity to make a difference to your body.
One of the ways to remain consistent and keep the intensity high is to stick the old time weight lifting exercises. Some of these would be:
- Squats and all its variations – dumbbell squats, sumo squats, single leg squats, Bulgarian squats, back or front squats
- Deadlifts and all its variations – sumo deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, single leg deadlifts, hex or trap bar deadlifts
- Pushing movements – bench presses, dumbbell presses, push ups
- Pulling movements – all the rowing movements (dumbbell rows, cable rows, bent over bar rows), lat pulldowns
- Lunging movements – forward lunges, rear lunges, rotating lunges, side lunges
With these compound exercises you are engaging more muscles to work, burning more calories while workout out and if done with the right combination and right intensity, creating an EPOC effect (post exercise oxygen consumption). It is this calorie burning that occurs post exercise that is responsible for weight loss and fat burning.
Incorporating these compound movements in your exercise sessions with in essence give you a bigger bank for your buck. Forget all the latest gadgets you see on TV. Most of them are a waste of your hard earned money and most of the time after purchased, tend to sit and collect dust. Invest your money in a fitness professional who can design a strength program based on the old standbys and you will not only be healthier but you will be getting excellent value for your money, and you won’t have something sitting in the corner of your living room collecting dust or clothes.
Till next time,
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