No video today…tune in tomorrow for the first one of this challenge!
![]() Day 258 of 335 The Turbo System Day 37 of 84 As many will have heard by the time they read this post, Tom Venuto, author of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle and The Body Fat Solution is sponsoring an awesome 98 day fat burning challenge. You can get the details of this competition at the Burn the Fat Inner Circle community website. I have posted my initial set of pictures (see the picture below) and have set some rather ambitious goals. It is my mindset right now that I need to be as accountable as humanly possible. This means taking advantage of every possible way to get some accountability. Current Stats: Weight: 243.8 pounds My Goals: Weight: 215 pounds That's a loss of 31.49 pounds of body fat and a total scale weight loss of 28.8 pounds. These are very ambitious, but reachable goals. I am still using the Turbo System to burn off the fat. I have 51 days of that left. I will continue with the Muscle and Strength program once I am done with Turbo. This means that my final 47 days will be using that system. As for nutrition, I am aiming for 2800 calories a day with a ratio of 35% carbs, 35% protein and 30% fat. I am using a special diet plan put out by Scivation ( Please keep checking back here each day as I post my progress. Please leave me comments as that helps maintain my accountability level. |
![]() ![]() Today I did 45 minutes of steady state cardio. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!
![]() Follow my workouts on Twitter by searching the hashtag #mjmwoGet the Turbo System for yourself
Get the Cure for Fitness Misinformation Overload Now!
Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here!
Oldies, But Goodies
If you have ever come across the Shopping Channel you know that every time you turn around there is some new fitness gadget or piece of equipment that is going to solve all your exercise or weight loss problems. Now, I am not a closet Shopping Channel watcher but I have on occasion come across some incredibly silly routines or equipment.
When it comes to strength training and providing the best stimulus for the body to get stronger and move better, the old classics are still and will always remain the best. What Are the Classics? The classics or old standbys in any strength program are squats (and all its variations), pushing movements (bench press, push ups), pulling movements (rowing, pull ups, chins, lat pulls), deadlift (and all its variations such as Romanian deadlift, Sumo deadlift, Single Leg deadlift, Hex or Trap bar deadlift) as well as portions of the Olympics lifts (cleans, jerks, push press).
I realize that for most these exercises are not very glamorous but as the saying goes "if it aint broke, don't fix it". And that is so true with all the old standbys of weight training. There is no sense in re-inventing the wheel, when we have the best tools already there.
Till next time,
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Stop With All the Crunches
A comment that comes up almost on a daily basis is about working "abs". Or, how do I flatten my stomach? Or, "I need to do more ab work". First off, the only thing that is going to get you a "ripped" midsection is 100% focus on your nutrition. Yes, we can strengthen the "abs". But, just what are your abs and what is the core? Most people think when they need to strengthen their abs or flatten their stomach they need to do sit ups and crunches. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Quite often overdoing crunches will overwork the rectus abdominis and lead to muscles imbalances and predispose you to injury.
So, #1 – stop with all the crunches.
First off we need to define the core. And, the core is not just the "ab" muscles. The core is basically the body minus the arms and legs. The core muscles run the entire length of the torso. The function of the core is to stabilize the spine, pelvis and shoulder to provide a solid foundation for movement. Some of the more commonly known core muscles are:
1) rectus abdominis (often referred to an the "six pack") but in function has very limited focus
2) erector spinae – these back muscles run from your neck to your lower back
3) multifidus – also back muscles located deeper than the erector spinae, these are also very important stabilizers and help to extend and rotate the spine
4) internal and external obliques – located on the side and front of the abdomen
5) transverse abdominis (TVA) – it is the deepest of the abdominal muscles. Often referred to as nature's weight belt as it wraps around your torso to provide protection and stability
Other muscles that one would not normally associate with the Core are:
1) hip flexors – located in front of the pelvis. There are 5 muscles that make up the hip flexor group
2) gluteus medius and minimus – located at the side of the hips
3) gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and pirformis – located in the back of the hip
4) hip adductors – located on the inner thigh
As you can see, the Core makes up a vast network of muscles all with one function – to keep the spine and pelvis stable. The movements and power delivered by your arms and legs is only as strong and powerful as the core is stable. It is like the saying - shooting a cannon from a canoe. If you are not working to strengthen all aspects of your core, not just your "abs" then you will never be able to deliver a powerful blow to the enemy –
whether it be a blow to the golf ball, tennis ball or those nasty weeds that continue to grow in the garden. The fastest way to a leaner more defined midsection is to work your Core – all of it. Avoid the crunches – embrace planks, side planks, lunges, squats and pushups. Not only will you get a stronger core, you will burn many more calories than focusing on isolation exercises such as crunches.
Till next time,
"Monitoring, Mentoring, Motivation"
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Turbo Thinking
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #131 |
![]() Day 225 of 335 The Turbo System Day 4 of 84 Can you think yourself to success? Do you believe in yourself enough? Today’s video approaches this esoteric concept and many other things. Give it a watch and let me know your thoughts in the comments. |
![]() ![]() Today was an upper body workout coupled with cardio. I didn’t manage to get the second cardio session in for the day. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!
![]() Follow my workouts on Twitter by searching the hashtag #mjmwoGet the Turbo System for yourself
Get the Cure for Fitness Misnformation Overload Now!
Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here!
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What a day!
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #130 |
![]() Day 224 of 335 The Turbo System Day 3 of 84 Today was the first weight training workout with Turbo and it was brutal! My heart rate was high the entire workout. Short rest periods and intense training sets are the norm for this system. I was told to reduce my weights by about 40% and while that was enough in some instances, it was not in others. It doesn’t matter because through the progression principle I will slowly get the reps that I need until it is time to raise the weight again. Watch the video and learn all about what I’m up to. |
![]() ![]() Today was a lower body training day including some cardio. It was a kick butt workout. I am not at liberty to publish the actual workout because it is a copyrighted program. If you are interested in my workout, grab a copy of the Turbo System for yourself. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!
![]() Follow my workouts on Twitter by searching the hashtag #mjmwoGet the Turbo System for yourself
Get the Cure for Fitness Misnformation Overload Now!
Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here!
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