The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #117 |
What's on my mind today? Day 796 I wanted to wish my beautiful wife, Alison, a happy birthday today! We celebrated at the hockey rink with my son’s team winning the championship! Today’s video discusses real results with real consistency. I had no intention of returning to this topic, but something that happened last night got me thinking and I just had to share my thoughts. |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!Follow my workouts on Twitter by searching for hashtag #mjmwo
Get the Cure for Fitness Information Overload Now!Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
Adversity is something we all face in our life. It can suck the strength right out of you. It can be a huge roadblock to success. All of that depends upon your reaction to adversity.
I'm certain you've seen the advertisements for products that promise fast results with little or no work on your part. What happens when you buy into that scam? What if you are in the majority that it fails to work for? Adversity grabs hold.
You need to learn to persevere. Be honest as to where the blame lies. It isn't the program, it is you. You can and should reach your fitness goals as long as you actually work a plan. Stop blaming others and get real.
Make the changes that need to be made. Stop blaming others and start blaming yourself. Take control over your own destiny. Adversity will soon be in your rearview mirror.
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Consistency is the Focus
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #116
![]() Day 105 of 335 Today’s video is about consistency—both with your training and your nutrition. I also spend a bit of time explaining how I’ve come up with my nutritional approach and what my plans are for the next 3 weeks. Please note that I have drastically changed the blog this time around. Pictures will get published one time per week on Sunday. I will also give a recap of my training for the week on Sunday as well. You will see daily videos posted along with a very brief commentary on what is contained in the video. I hope you enjoy the new format. |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!
![]() Follow my workouts on Twitter via a search for hashtag #mjmwo
Get the Cure for Fitness Information Overload Now!
Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
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How To Fit Exercise into an Already Hectic Schedule.
What are you doing to ensure that you are getting in your exercise every day? Yes, I do mean every day. Some of you may have memberships at gyms or rec centers and go 2-3 times per week. And, that is great and congratulations to those of you who make every workout. But, what are you doing the other days? It is important to be getting some form of exercise every day. It doesn't have to be hour long workouts. It can be as little as 15 minutes.
Remember, as well that not all your workouts need to be in a gym. There are plenty of ways to get in extra exercise by just putting some thought into your day. Where can you make life just a little more work and to a point, less efficient. One of our clients, sent along this article from the web site Spark People. It is interesting to read how you can incorporate your daily chores into a mini workout each day. Keep in mind that exercise is cumulative – it all adds up at the end of the week. The link to read that article on Spark People is:
The article is entitled: The "Real-Life Woman's" Workout – Find Ways to be Inefficient" Some other ways to incorporate exercise into your daily life is:
1. Use stairs instead of elevator – such a little thing, but counts big time. In fact, do a couple of laps up and down the stairs before you get to your destination.
2. Finish lunch 10 minutes early and go for a walk – helps to stretch out the ole body and get a few calories burned. Get the heart rate up now…..
If you are not getting in your aerobic work, get up 15 minutes early and do a quick little workout: BW Squats, Push ups (against a counter if need be), Floor Bridges. Repeat 4 x and you are good to go! Earlier this year, I was interviewed by a reporter doing an article for an online magazine (Best Health) Link: The article she is writing is called "7 Ways to Maximize your Gym Workout". This is what I provided her:
1) Monitor your rest periods. Use a stop watch or watch the clock at the gym. Most people will rest far too long as they head to the water cooler, chat with friends. Limit your rest periods to 30-45 seconds and be ready to start back onto your next exercise as soon as the watch denotes.
2) Consolidate and pack your workout time. In other words, group exercises together into mini circuits. Combine 3-4 exercises together alternating upper body, lower body, core and complete 3-4 times through and then move onto the other circuits.
3) When using mini circuits, use your core exercise as "active rest". In other words, most times you won't need much rest after the core exercise before you start back on the first exercise of that circuit.
4) Don't waste time on machines or isolation exercises. These burn very little calories resulting in little if any changes in weight loss or body composition. Least effective machines are leg extension/leg curl. Least effective exercise is standing bicep curls. Replace leg extensions with squats and lunges for quadriceps. Replace leg curl with Romanian deadlifts for hamstrings. And, any rowing movements will effectively work your biceps and burn more calories to boot!
5) Pick 3-5 complex exercises (total body exercises) combine with 2-3 core exercises and workout completed. Fast and quick. Big bang for your buck when it comes to weight loss and fat burning.
6) Monitor your reps and weights. Don't waste time doing 20-25 reps. This has little, if any effect on weight loss or fat burning. Pick a weight that you need to work hard at for 8-10 reps max.
7) Keep your intensity high. Intensity high; volume low. Work out hard, work out short. In a nutshell – increase your intensity; decrease your time. Combine exercises into circuits. Use complex exercises (total body). Stay off machine and away from isolation exercises.
Okay, there you have it. Some good hints to incorporate into both your gym workouts and time away from the gym.
Narina Prokosch
“Monitoring, Mentoring, Motivation”
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Boot camps – Can Be Fun or Folly.
Today's topic came about because of a discussion I had with a fellow trainer whose opinion I value and respect. Also, with Xmas being so close this is also the time of year when people may be looking for that perfect Xmas gift and possibly thinking a gym membership or Boot camp membership would fit the bill.
I would like to focus primarily on Boot camps for two reasons: #1 they are immensely popular right now and it seems a new boot camp is popping up almost every week, and #2 boot camps will involve working directly with a personal trainer or fitness instructor and a gym membership may not.
When shopping or looking for a boot camp or group fitness to attend, it is really buyer beware. The fitness industry is an unregulated industry and a certification for a personal trainer is as easy as entering your credit card number on the internet. Also, it is important to not only check credentials of the instructor or personal trainer, but you also need to verify that they are insured. The boot camp instructor should be able to provide you a copy of their insurance – if they can't or aren't willing then run the other way and seek elsewhere.
One determining factor of a well run boot camp is an orientation or assessment session. These are normally booked separately from the start of the boot camp and may be done as a group. But, this is the time when the instructor will discuss what you can expect from the class. The instructor will also want to discuss any health concerns, previous injuries or physical limitations you may have. At no time, should you be joining a boot camp for the first session and be thrown in with an already running group. This is just an injury waiting to happen. If there is no orientation session or assessment discussed in your initial inquiry, then once again look elsewhere.
You may want to go and watch one session to see how they are conducted. Is the instructor able to watch the whole group? Is there an adequate warm up done before the exercise portion begins? And, going for a run is not a warm up! There should be mobility/dynamic warm up drills done before asking the body to perform. Is there adequate stretching done at the end of the program?
Is the instructor/trainer qualified to teach everything that is being done in the boot camp? With the increase in popularity of kettlebells specifically, not everyone is well qualified to teach their proper use. As with a lot of the "latest trends" in the fitness world, they are not always appropriate or in the best interest of the client. Just because it looks fun and trendy, doesn't make it safe and a good choice for new exercisers.
Boot camps can be fun. They are filled with like minded individuals and can develop a great sense of camaraderie within the group. But, they also needed to be well researched. Do not just pick the boot camp closest to home, or the cheapest. Do your homework. Look for credentials of those providing the service. Check for insurance and ask about orientation or assessment prior to start of classes. Don't just join the first boot camp you come across or see an ad for.
A little homework on your part will go a long way to providing a safe and enjoyable exercise program that you will continue to participate in and remain injury free.
Till next time,
Narina Prokosch
"Monitoring, Mentoring, Motivation"
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