The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #105
![]() I’ve been doing some thinking lately and have come up with a few interesting conclusions regarding pain. I am not talking about the debilitating, unable to walk type of pain. I am talking about the type of pain you get from an intense workout or how your lungs burn during an extreme cardio workout. How long? How much? How often? What is failure? |
![]() ![]() Today was an extremely intense 1 hour cardio session from CTF. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M8:D46 (D663) Tabata: Not for the weak of mind
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #104
![]() With many people looking for fat burning strategies that don’t take a long time to do, I thought I’d introduce you to a forgotten art form-the Tabata Protocol. This is an extremely intense 4 minute cardio workout that burns fat. You might be wondering how 4 minutes of cardio can help. Think about everything you’ve read about High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). How many people are actually practicing true HIIT? In order to be doing true HIIT you need to have a period of extremely intense activity followed by a period of recovery. This means sprinting all out for 30 seconds and then resting for 30 seconds and then repeating that a prescribed number of times. By “all out” I mean just that—hold nothing back, go as fast as you humanly can. Most people do not do that at all. They set themselves up with a faster and slower interval, but they don’t go as fast as they humanly can. The Tabata Protocol involves using an exercise (front squats, body weight squats, etc.) and doing a set of as many repetitions that you can do in 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds and repeat it for a total of 8 times. This is true HIIT and really burns fat. It is not something you can do daily because it is a brutal workout and really hits your body hard. |
![]() ![]() Today was a CTF interval training day. Weights combined with cardio make for a truly intense workout experience. I kept my heart rate steady at 140 BPM. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M8:D45 (D662) Adam Waters’ Real Time Physique Transformation
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #103
![]() ![]() The Master of Accountability Blogging Today my focus is on the blog that inspired my own blog. Adam Waters has been doing accountability blogging for over 1000 days. He chronicled his own transformation using this blog and has even written an e-book about the topic. His e-book guides you through the process of holding yourself accountable as you embark on a physique transformation. It is pretty amazing stuff. Adam has managed to connect with people like Tom Venuto, Carlos DeJesus and Marc David to create some strong partnerships in the fitness industry. He seems to be the real deal. Adam recently ran a physique transformation contest, with the winners announced just recently. He coined the term “Shredder” and now has the “Shreddersphere” which is a private blogging community open to people who purchase his e-book. If you are interested in learning about accountability blogging, this is the site to hit. It is really short on information, but long on inspiration. Adam has accountability down to a science. He has made the plan so simple that it is next to impossible to fail when doing it. |
![]() ![]() Today was one hour of CTF Low Intensity Interval cardio training. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M8:D44 (D661) Max Deadlift Record
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #102
![]() My son, Matty, has been joining me as I go through my Combat the Fat training program. During this time we’ve done exactly what the program has asked us to do. It is highly unconventional if you are a bodybuilder, but it is also very effective. Neither of us has deadlifted in 8 weeks at this point. Mental Attitude Matters Last Wednesday I was training my daughter’s boyfriend and Matty joined us as usual. Since it was not a day for us to workout with weights, Matty decided to give his 1 rep max on the deadlift a try. He smiled as he loaded 2 plates on either side of the barbell and got into position. I could see that he was mentally psyching himself out and his initial attempt was a complete failure as a result. He corrected his mental attitude and got back into position to do his lift. Intensity Matters Combat the Fat, Build the Strength I am happy to report that Matty has increased his strength on the Combat the Fat training program. He is very pleased with his new record. Leave him a comment and let him know what you think! |
![]() ![]() Today was CTF Pyramid A day. In the Advanced Level 2 program this is a tough day. I find that my heart rate gets very elevated as I push through this intense workout. Matty calls this day “hell day” because of how hard it is to complete. I reminded him of his massive deadlifts and he just buckled down and did the difficult work of completing the workout. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M8:D43 (D660) Turning Things Around
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #102
![]() In the past month alot of things have happened that threw me off course. My training has been good, but I would not say it was excellent. My nutrition has been above average/excellent. Things have gotten easier in that area, but I can now say without a doubt that I am carb sensitive. I’ve conducted many experiments with nutrition and I have truly determined that I just have to keep carbs lower than most people in order to see results. Today I am turning things around. I am back to accountability blogging after twice deciding to quit. I am going to be using a regular publishing schedule to get things done. I am also back to posting my daily photos. I am ratcheting up the accountability and I plan to be shredded by September 30, 2009. That’s right, I will be posting massive results in just 45 days from now. You will want to be here reading what I am up to. I will continue to educate through this blog. I will share the things I am learning and give suggestions for how you can apply those things to yourself. I will continue to chronicle my son, Matthew’s, progress through his own fitness program. I have also taken on a new person to be a mentor to with the help of Carlos DeJesus. You will want to be reading this space to follow what is going on. Please make sure to comment and let me know you are here. I am going to need your help in holding myself accountable. Please be there for me. I am seriously turning things around and this is going to be the final time I have to do so. I have had major discipline, but the accountability blogging severely slipped after a long stretch of being good with it. I am looking for your support, so please help out. |
![]() ![]() Today was a rest day. I am currently working through the Combat the Fat program by Jeff Anderson. This program consists of the following training schedule: Monday – CTF Pyramid Training (A – Back/Arms/Shoulders/Legs) This program is aimed at using military principles to burn fat over a 12 week period of time. It has been alot of fun. It uses progressive overload principles built into 4 week periods. I highly recommend this program. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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