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The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #101
![]() Today I want to introduce you to a website that I feel will be extremely beneficial to your fitness progress. The proprietor is a good friend of mine, Marc David. Marc runs a couple of websites, but his blog site located at http://www.bodybuildingsecretslive.com has some awesome information. Marc is not afraid to approach any topic on his site. He has an area on the sidebar that lists recent articles. In that list you will find an article about the supplements Marc takes, another article in which Marc is interviewed by Dave DePew (my nutritional consultant) and yet another where Marc discusses Monster Milk RTD. I like the tone of Marc’s articles. He isn’t afraid to tell you what works and what doesn’t work. Marc is extremely consistent despite people’s attempts to trip him up. Witness a Q&A in his most recent article:
Marc does not mince words. He has alot of the same philosophies I do. He is in the business to help people and not just to make money. With Marc, what you see is what you get. He is the guy he portrays in all of his articles. He doesn’t lead a secret life. You won’t find incriminating photos of him up on Facebook or Twitpic because Marc practices what he preaches. I highly recommend adding Marc’s blog to your RSS reader so that you don’t miss a single article. I have learned a tremendous amount from this man. I am truly grateful to him for the information that he provides. Some of my favorite Marc David articles from http://www.bodybuildingsecretslive.com are: Dave DePew Interviews the NoBull Muscle Guy You can follow Marc on Twitter — @marc_david You can connect with Marc on Facebook – http://facebook.com/marcdavid If you are serious about getting in shape and staying that way then you need to get to know this guy! |
![]() ![]() Well, Matty and I were both very sick this morning, so no workout. We planned to get to the gym for our cardio session later in the day, but that didn’t happen. We will be back to it tomorrow. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
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M8:D2 (D619) Climbing Pyramids
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #100
![]() If you’ve been reading this blog for long then you know about my son, Matty. He has been my workout partner for the past 10 months. I really enjoy my time with him. The bonding we do in the gym is irreplaceable. We have learned alot from each other through the hard work we do together in the gym. As I look at Matty I am in awe. His body has been changing before my very eyes. His lats are starting to pop out and he is thinning down quite a bit. The baby fat that has plagued him is slowly leaving his body due to his extremely hard work. For those of you with a short memory or who haven’t been reading the blog long, let me update you on my son and why I am so proud of him. The original idea for him to join me at the gym came from him. He asked and I naturally agreed to have him join me. At first it was a nightmare. He would pretend to not be able to lift a weight even one time that he had lifted several times the workout before. He would never really give it his all. He wanted to take the easy way out rather than work hard. At some point he and I started to have small conversations on the way to the gym and on the way home from the gym. I planned these talks out in advance—just the topics—so that I could help guide him in the right direction. Realizing that as a dad it was my job to mentor him (and mentoring involves creating independence), I set out to help him understand why we go to the gym daily. We would have conversations about how silly it is to go to the gym at 4 a.m. but not give your whole effort to the workout. We discussed results and he was surprised at my take on them (everything you do brings about results, but not always the kind you want). He got to listen to my philosophy of lifting (you can never work hard enough because you can always go harder than you just did). I helped him understand how that philosophy is linked to progression. Over time I noticed his attitude was changing. He started to lift harder because it felt good. He went heavy because it made him feel strong. At one point, after a particularly grueling, mind blowing workout I saw him smiling, so I asked him an important question. “Do you workout with me because I make you or because you love it?” His answer was perfect. “The answer is both.” So I decided to clarify. “Let me understand—you workout with me because you love lifting weights, you do it at 4 a.m. because I make you—is that correct?” He confirmed that I had nailed it perfectly. That was a proud day for me for several reasons. Here was my 14 year old son telling me that he shares my passion for weight training. At the same time, he was telling me that he respects me enough to get up at 4 a.m. and not complain about it. How many of you have 14 year old boys who will do this without a complaint? Mine has never once complained about getting up in the morning to lift. From now on, Monday is going to be dedicated to my son Matty. I will write about topics that interest him or directly relate to him. I will crow about his progress and generally tell you how proud I am of him. He is the best workout partner a man could ask for. |
![]() ![]() Quite a workout today. We did the CTF Pyramids. Between 3 exercises I completed a total of 383 repetitions at the weight I’d use to get to positive failure on 15 repetitions. I ended the session with 15 minutes of cardio spread over 3 exercises. I don’t remember jumping jacks being so taxing! |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!
Get the Cure for Fitness Information Overload Now!
Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
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Climbing Pyramids
I’ve been tweeting on Twitter about my new workout program. I’m also chronicling my progress on my accountability blog. Today i want to comment on the workout plan. Unfortunately, I cannot give details without violating the copyright, but I will talk about the techniques and how I feel about them. I will be posting every Monday on this site about Combat the Fat, so please come back here every Monday to get the latest update.
Today Jeff Anderson, the creator of Combat the Fat, had me climbing pyramids. He has a special pyramid technique that is totally unlike any other I’ve ever tried. When I was done I had completed 393 repetitions on exercises that were set to get me to failure at 15 repetitions. I then was asked to end the session with 3 different 5 minute cardio sessions. I felt this workout right away. My legs were shaking in the shower. I felt the urge to eat some fruit right after my shower. There were some intense changes to my metabolism as a result of this first pyramid training workout.
The nutrition program that goes along with this training is quite simple to follow. Jeff does not have you counting calories, fat grams, etc. He simply lays out for you the types of foods you can eat and how often you can eat them. The rest is up to the individual. I have found the past 2 days of eating to be so incredibly easy as a result of this program. If you don’t enjoy counting calories, this approach will probably be something you like.
Obviously it is way too early to call this program a success, but I am getting a very good feeling about it. I generally shy away from these “strange” workout programs. My mind is more in tune with bodybuilding programs and this time is no different. At the same time, I approached this with a complete open mind.
Jeff uses military principles to help torch fat off your body. He combines body weight exercises with weight training. His concept is simple—burn off the fat while maintaining or increasing lean body mass. This is refreshing in today’s world because most “experts” will tell you that you can’t burn fat and increase lean body muscle (false) but not Jeff. He gets right in there and shows you how to use your body’s muscle to burn fat.
I looked over the exercises beforehand and wasn’t sure it would be challenging enough. Judging by today’s workout, the challenge level is definitely high. It was a mental game to stay ahead of the workout. My heart rate monitor registered upwards of 160 beats per minute most of the workout. When I was done, I had spent just 47 minutes in the gym, but I had burned over 600 calories, with 40% of that being attributed to fat. That is better than most cardio-only workouts I’ve ever tried!
Please continue to check back here each week for the Combat the Fat update. You can also follow my progress daily on The Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine Blog.
Related links:
Combat the Fat System Described
If you want to follow on Twitter do a search on #m8 and be sure to follow me, @mikemahony.
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