The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #99 July 5, 2009
![]() Today I have a major confession to make as well as an apology. When I started this accountability blog 618 days ago it was purely for me. I had no idea how many people would eventually read it. I was diligent and posted daily. In fact, I was probably the most consistent poster out of the group I belonged to at the time. Over the past 6 months I have been testing a new application that is very important to the future of the company I work for. I have put my heart and soul into the testing and that has caused my accountability blogging to slip. My 7th mission is a perfect example of that. I have not posted since it started. As I contemplated all of this, I started to think about shutting this blog down completely. For selfish reasons, I was very close to just posting a “I’ve shut this blog down” message. Then I started looking at my site traffic. I realized that shutting the blog down would effect many people and I wasn’t really ready to do that to people. I am all about helping others and if reading this blog has helped even one person then I must continue. With that said, I apologize for not being more regular. I have now launched the software for my company so the demand on my time is much less. Starting today there will be a video and picture posted every single day. If I don’t have time for an extended commentary I will say so. However, the format of the blog is changing to save me time. I will be posting my daily video, my daily commentary, my daily workouts and my daily pictures and that is it. I am not going to post my accountability log daily because (a) it takes alot of time to produce for the web; and (b) it doesn’t change much. I will, however, post my accountability log weekly (on Sunday for the previous week) starting next Sunday. I will also try to do a recap of the week’s events every single Sunday. I am planning a special day each week to highlight another site (blogger or otherwise). That’s the extent of my commitment at the current time. I have been putting the finishing touches on my eBook and think I am finally close to publishing it. That along with the new software for my company has consumed most of my time. I have started a new site,, and encourage you to go there and sign up for the eNewsletter. I have a guest author who writes posts on fitness every Tuesday. I, myself, write posts several times each week. The information on that site is similar to my accountability blog, but it really has one purpose—educate people about the fitness industry and how to navigate it safely. I hope that all of you will continue to read not only this blog, but the Fitness Expose materials as well. Thank you for your continued loyalty. During M8 I will be utilizing the Combat the Fat program from Jeff Anderson. Matty and my friend, Don, will be joining me in this adventure. We weighed in and took body fat measurements and circumference measurements today. My M8 goals: Goal #1: I have a body fat percentage of 10% by September 15, 2009Goal #2: I weigh 205 lbs. by September 15, 2009 Goal #3: I measure 36 inches around my abdominal area by September 15, 2009 Goal #4: I have biceps of 18 inches and quads of 28 inches by September 15, 2009 Goal #5: I run a mile in 7:30 by September 15, 2009 I will remain focused on those 5 goals the remainder of this mission. The goals themselves are written in ink while the dates are written in pencil (thanks Tom Venuto). TIP: I have been recopying my goals daily in my journal so they stick in my head and I’ve noticed a much tighter focus on those goals as a result. Note to those of you on Twitter |
![]() ![]() Today was a rest day. I spent alot of my time today just having fun with the family. I reviewed the workout plan for tomorrow with Matty as he is joining me on this Combat the Fat journey. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M6:D84 (D562) S.M.A.R.T. Goals: Realistic
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #43
![]() Today we continue our trip down goal setting lane. As a review, we are using the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting system. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic Time-sensitive. Today we discuss realistic goals. As I plan for M7 I have decided to focus on 5 goals that are important to me: Goal #1: I have a body fat percentage of 12% by August 1, 2009Goal #2: I weigh 205 lbs. by August 1, 2009 Goal #3: I measure 36 inches around my abdominal area by August 1, 2009 Goal #4: I have biceps of 18 inches and quads of 28 inches by August 1, 2009 Goal #5: I run a mile in 7:30 by August 1, 2009 Each of these goals is extremely realistic. In order to be realistic, a goal must represent something you are willing and able to work towards. Goals need to represent substantial progress. The goal to run a mile in 7:30 is an improvement of 17% and I think that is pretty dramatic for someone that isn’t a runner. The body fat percentage goal represents a reduction of about 20%. The scale weight goal is 20 lbs. Each goal is realistic because I want each and every one of them to happen, so I will be working hard to make them happen. Tomorrow we will discuss making goals time-sensitive. Related articles: M6 |
![]() ![]() I actually threw up during today’s workout. The Saturday workouts really do something to my metabolism. |
![]() Make your goals realistic. |
![]() Do you have any unrealistic goals that need to be changed? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
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M6:D83 (D561) S.M.A.R.T. Goals: Attainable
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #42
![]() For the past few days I’ve been guiding you through the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting process as I get ready for M7. As a review, S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic Time-sensitive. Today we are going to talk about attainable. In order to achieve a goal it needs to be a stretch, but it needs to be something you are capable of attaining. In my case, I have set the following 4 goals: Goal #1: I have a body fat percentage of 12% by August 1, 2009 Goal #5: I run a mile in 7:30 by August 1, 2009 Week 1 (end); 8:52.5 By shaving 7.5 seconds a week off my mile time I can definitely achieve the goal of 7:30 for a mile. This goal is now attainable. Those are the five goals I will start off Mission 7 with. This time I am going to focus on small things that will help me with my ultimate goal of losing body fat. Tomorrow we will examine all 5 goals and determine if they are realistic. M6 ![]() |
![]() ![]() Why exactly do I enjoy killing myself in the gym? Honestly, I really do enjoy it. It sounds masochistic, but I really enjoy getting my butt kicked in the gym and today was no different! |
![]() Make your goals attainable. |
![]() Do you have any goals that you set to a point where they are not attainable? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!
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Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
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M6:D82 (D560) S.M.A.R.T. Goals: Measureable
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #41
![]() As I set my goals for Mission 7 I am using the S.M.A.R.T. system. As a review, this stands for Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic and Time-sensitive. Today we are talking about measureable goals. I have already committed to two goals for Mission 7: Goal #1: I have a body fat percentage of 12% by August 1, 2009 For a goal to be measureable there has to be some way to track it. In the case of Goals #1 and #2, they are clearly measureable. This leads me to my third goal for Mission 7: Goal #3: I measure 36 inches around my abdominal area by August 1, 2009 Goal #4: I have biceps of 18 inches and quads 28 inches by August 1, 2009 Tomorrow we will discuss attainable goals. Please come back to read that. Related articles: M6 |
![]() ![]() Today was a double cardio day for me. |
![]() Make your goals measureable to achieve them more readily. |
![]() Do you have any goals you need to modify to make them measureable? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!
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Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
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M6:D81 (D559) S.M.A.R.T. Goals: Specific
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #40
![]() I am currently planning for my next mission and as a result I am revisiting the setting of goals. I always use the S.M.A.R.T. system when setting my goals. My thought was maybe I should share the process with all of you, so here we are in the first of a 5 part series on goal setting. You will not only get a good lesson on setting goals, but you will get a look inside my planning process for a mission. I have already decided that Mission 7 will revolve around losing body fat. I have been working for months on building muscle, so now I need to melt off the remaining fat to reveal the muscle I’ve worked so hard for. It is there, my measurements confirm that. First, what does S.M.A.R.T. statnd for? Some of you may know that it is a system of setting goals that stands for Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic Time-sensitive. Today we will discuss specific goals. As I stated above, my next mission is going to revolve around losing body fat. Does this mean my goal should be “I will lose body fat”? Do you think that is a very specific goal? Let’s see what we think. Does this goal tell me when I’ve accomplished it? Do I have a way of knowing that I am done with the goal? The obvious answer is that I do not have any way of knowing I’ve accomplished the goal. A better goal is “I have a body fat percentage of 12%” because it if very specific. I know where I am starting and I have an exact idea of where I want to end up—12%. There are other aspects of this goal that are still missing, but for sake of today’s discussion, this is a good goal. It is important for your goals to be specific because you want your brain working on accomplishing the goal right away. The target is specific so you can’t go off track. Thus, my first goal for the mission will be:
My second goal for the mission will arise as a result of the first goal.
Clearly I will be happy with any weight as long as Goal #1 is achieved. In other words, I am more focused on the body fat percentage than I am on the scale weight. Goal #2 is also a very specific goal. Tomorrow we will talk about making goals measureable.
![]() ![]() Yet another brutal workout today. I wish I could tell you more about what I am up to, but I cannot. Just rest assured that this series of workouts is one of the most difficult and intense I’ve ever experienced. |
![]() Make sure that your goals are specific. |
![]() Do you have any goals that need to be corrected to make them specific? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
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