Macros are extremely important in attempting to hit your fat loss goals. Macros are an often overlooked aspect. Your macros enable your diet to be healthy and nutritious. They insure that you are not leaning too heavily on one particular type of food.
I often laugh because of the debate about “clean eating” vs. “If It Fits Your Macros” style eating (see Saturday Sharing: My Thoughts on the IIFYM Debate and Expose Podcast #1: Let's Talk IIFYM on this topic). My good friend and mentor, Chris Albert, had this to say on Facebook about the topic:

Chris is 100% correct. While the “clean eating” group would frown on eating a pop tart, the IIFYM people are not wrong when they say it is OK as long as you hit your macros. The most successful ebook about fat loss, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto, teaches us to use macros to hit our fat loss goals. This is not a new concept by any means. So how do you do it?
For me it is about planning ahead. When I first started closely tracking my macros I planned every single meal ahead of time. I observed what combinations of foods brought what macro ratios. I then learned how to build a good menu without the need for massive advanced planning. However, it all started with planning.
I use the MyMacros app on my iPhone. I would sit down and plan what I wanted to eat. I would enter it into MyMacros as I was planning. I would then see what the macro ratios were and adjust them accordingly. I did this for weeks. It was at that point that I could just do it instinctively. Yes, there are still times when I am low on a particular macro as I near the end of the day or I am short on calories, but I simply grab a food choice and eat to bring the numbers in line for the day.
Please note that I do not obsess about the macros, but I do try to get them as close as I possibly can. I focus more on getting in the calories I am supposed to be eating.
Give this a try. I do not think you will be disappointed. It is an awesome system for keeping things in line. You will feel better in the long run.