So many people have seen memes like the one to the left. “Do you even lift?” is the question to be answered. It got me to thinking about the topic of lifting and what that means. I know that the memes approach it from many different angles, but I came up with one angle and one angle only and I discuss that in a brief video.
Lifting means you go to the gym consistently and make progress. What kind of progress? Well, if youu are squatting 135 lbs. today you should see that number go up week after week. It is really that simple. If you are not seeing that than you don't lift. I am a big believer in progression. I am sure you are as well and my comment probably seems stupid, but look around the gym. You will see the same people training with the same weights for years. That's not lifting.
I laugh when I hear people say they go to the gym regularly as though it is a badge of honor only to find out that they also lift the same weight at every workout. Have a listen to my video rant below.
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