The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #114
![]() Day 31 of 335 Today is Judgment Day for my training and the verdict is in. I will be taking the rest of the week off from training to allow my back to recover 100%. Honestly, I feel so much better, but I don’t want to risk any further problems by pushing it. I want to get better so that I can up the intensity next week. My lifts are getting to the point where they are quite heavy and I need to push myself to get even better. I will focus on some light cardio and my nutrition. That’s where my mind is at today. Related post: |
![]() ![]() Today I did another walk, but this one was 3 miles in length. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
When your body talks
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #113
![]() Day 30 of 335 The one thing I’ve learned since having back surgery…when your body talks you need to listen. As discussed in today’s VLog, I have had some issues with my back being sore since my workout on Saturday. I am waiting until tomorrow to make a decision, but it appears that unless it recovers fully, I will be taking the rest of the week off from lifting. It isn’t a terrible thing since I did not take a break between the Combat the Fat and the current workout. For those of you who think it is easy to just take a day off, try being really set on a goal and running into a wall like this. It is mentally a challenge because every fiber of my existence wants to get into the gym and hit the weights hard. At the same time, I know I need to listen to my body and when I am recovered fully I will be able to jump in and hit the weights harder than before. |
![]() ![]() I went for a walk today for 30 minutes with my midgets. It was a fun time. We also hit the park and played for a bit. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
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Social Media: The New Fitness Buzz Word
Social Media is taking the internet by storm the past year. It has grown from something only the in crowd knew about to something your grandmother is talking about. It is no surprise that the fitness industry is embracing the social media storm and running with it.
It is now commonplace for fitness professionals to stay in contact via Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Many of them have embraced the simplicity of posting a video to discuss an important fitness topic. This is all wonderful for the people who need this information. It is so much easier to get real time feedback on fitness issues now.
I personally use video at my fitness accountability blog, and I find it to be very rewarding. It is a great way to connect with my readers and it gives them a glimpse into my personality.
I am also using social media as I move towards my first ever body building competition in August 2010. I am tweeting updates with the hashtag #bbmjm and posting blogs both here and at Through the use of social media, I have managed to create a network of accountability partners who are following my progress and encouraging me to achieve my goals. It is exciting and rewarding at the same time.
I believe that social media is the ultimate fitness tool. It puts you in touch with hundreds or even thousands of people all at one time. Your message gets distributed in a viral fashion. It is incredible.
When I think back to the early 1900’s and how slow information travelled and now, in 2009, how information is out there immediately, I have to smile. I knew that got raided by the FDA before it was announced on my local news station. I found out through social media. I personally tweeted the winner of Mr. Olympia 2009 the minute it was announced.
There are many people who feel that Twitter is dying, but I disagree. I like the idea of being able to give up to the minute input on a workout or other fitness related endeavor. In fact, this gives me a new idea. I might just update Twitter during my workouts. I can talk about how I am feeling mentally and physically. I can post what is going through my mind at that exact moment. If that works I might just add a Twitter update page on this site. It will be a place where you can go and read my entire Twitter stream all at once.
The ideas on how to use social media are countless. Take some time to think it through and leave me some comments on what you thought up.
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I suck and I know it!
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #112
![]() Day 29 of 335 Today I do not have much to say other than that I suck. I have done an awful job of keeping my blogs up to date and that is changing NOW. I have no excuses to make about this. I am just going to be as consistent with my blogging as I have been with my training. I apologize and I am going to do much better going forward. Thank you for continuing to be interested in my plight. I have switched to Vimeo for my video uploads. I have some political reasons why I am doing this. Hopefully it sticks because YouTube has annoyed me beyond belief. I have started a channel for both my blogs and plan to use the channel for Fitness Expose to do video tips. My first one is in production right now and it is all about using your downtime to help you get fit. Watch for it in the next couple of days. |
![]() ![]() Today I did an hour Combat the Fat cardio workout. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!
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Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
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Crunches and Sit Ups – Do at Your Own Peril
Because I constantly get asked about doing more "ab exercises" or crunches, this is an excellent time to review the abdominal muscles, their function and just exactly what the core is comprised of. Please note that this is just a very basic outline or "The Core" and myths surrounding ab training. I welcome any questions you might have. This is a fairly long article, so I do apologize. I tried to keep it as concise as possible.
What is core training? This seems to be the buzzword of the fitness industry today. Let's take a look at what the core is, what is its function or purpose and how should this important structure be trained. We will take a look at all these questions, as well as dispel some myths along the way. Let's get started.
It seems everywhere you look the world is ab crazy! How many different gadgets on the shopping channel do you see? How many books or articles are devoted entirely to "ab training". How many aerobic classes are gut busting classes? Everyone seems preoccupied with abs, but very few people really know what this important musculature involves and how to train it effectively so it is able to perform its very important functions.
Let us begin by looking at just what the abdominal complex involves. The abdominal complex is a very important part of the "core". The core refers to the foundation for the arms and legs. The core supports the body's vital organs and systems and is the protection for the central nervous system. The functions provided by the abdominal wall are joint stability, visceral support, respiratory support, circulatory/immune system support and
digestion/elimination system support. As you can see the abdominal muscles are not muscles to take lightly. They provide a vital role to our overall well-being.
The abdominal complex are also key stabilizers for the core and along with muscles of the back (upper and lower); serve to protect the spinal cord and provide stability in movements of our daily lives. If this complex is weak and untrained, you are leaving your whole core and spinal column vulnerable to injury with every movement. Conditioning of the "core" not only involves the abdominal muscles but also the muscles of the back. The abdominal musculature interacts with the back to provide stability for the torso. The muscles of the back that are involved in stability of the torso are erector spinae, latissimus dorsi and transversospinal muscles.
Let's begin the journey of abdominal conditioning by looking at the musculature involved. The abdominal muscles and back muscles work together as a functional unit. These muscles surround the back and provide nature's own belt. The main muscles involved here are the transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques. When one thinks of abdominal development and the famous "six pack", they are actually referring to the rectus abdominus. These and the hip flexor muscles are the muscles used in the exercises you see in most gyms and aerobic classes. Crunches, leg raises, sit-ups commonly used in abdominal training today are not
the most effective at providing the stability for the core.
Traditional gym exercises do not condition the deeper muscles (transversus abdominis, Internal obliques, multifidus) that are necessary for stabilization of the spine. The first step toward reducing back pain and improving posture is to stop all crunch and sit up exercises. First and foremost, you should concentrate on activating the deeper muscles (transversus abdominis, internal obliques, multifidus). You must begin by conditioning the transversus abdominis, with the 4 Point Transverse Abdominis Trainer. This exercise could be done 3-4 times per week. Always do these exercises at the end of your workout. Do not fatigue these muscles prior to your workout. These muscles are important stabilizers and should not be exercised before traditional free weight exercises are done.
Begin on your hands and knees. Ensure hands are facing forward, and spine is in a neutral alignment. Take a deep breath in and allow your belly to drop toward the floor. Exhale and draw your navel toward your spine as far as you can. Once air expelled, hold your breath for as long as comfortable (not longer than 10 seconds). Keep your spine still throughout. Repeat for 10 repetitions. Rest one minute and complete another set. Work up to
3 sets.
So, hopefully I have been able to see just how different we need to be thinking when it comes to abdominal training. Working hard in the gym with planks, side planks, bridges, chopping movements as well as all the core training exercises such as lunges, squats, OH squats combined with a sensible diet will give you that six pack without the risk of disc injury associated with crunches and situps.
Till next time,
Narina Prokosch
“Monitoring, Mentoring, Motivation”
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