Leg day is the one training day so many people skip. Why should you train your legs? Do you know all the benefits of doing so? Are you aware of the effect training your legs has on the rest of your body? That's the purpose of this article–to explain the effects of leg day on your entire body.
Elevated Human Growth Hormone Levels
Training legs causes an increase in the level of growth hormone in the body. This elevated GH is used throughout the body. This means that it will help your arms, back, chest and shoulders get bigger as they utilize the additional GH coursing through the blood.
Stronger Core and Stabilizer Muscles
A lower body exercise like the squat works the core and the stabilizer muscles in addition to the legs. This has an increased benefit for the upper body. The core is used in every single exercise. A better, stronger core means better, stronger upper body movements.
Elevation in Other Hormone Levels
Have you ever noticed that after training you feel euphoric? All of this despite the fact that you are physically drained. This is because you have managed to increase the levels of many different hormones. These hormones are mood-altering. They also help with the growth of muscles.
Muscle Stimulation
Heavy squats utilize and stimulate many different sets of muscle fibers. This means that more of the body is worked as the squats are executed. This will cause growth over the entire body as a result of the direct stimulation. Recruiting so many muscle fibers means that the body is forced to grown.
Don't Skip the Lower Body Workouts
Because the body likes being trained as a unit, do not skip training the lower body. Reap the benefits of lower body training. Train extra hard. In the end the results will be more than worth it. What are your thoughts on this? Share them in the comments below.